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Glossary of Māori Terms

te Ao Māori                             the world of Māori

te Ao Pākehā                           the world of Europeans

atua                                         deity

aukati                                      boundary marking a restricted area

haere mai                                 welcome

haka taua                                 war dance

hākari                                      feast

hāngī                                       earth oven, food cooked in earth oven

hapū                                        subtribe

hui                                           meeting(s), gathering(s)

hongi                                       a pressing of noses in greeting

hūpē                                        mucus

iwi                                           tribe

Ka whawhai ahau tonu ake     I will fight forever.

kaikaranga                               the woman who makes the ceremonial call to visitors on the marae                                            

kaimoana                                 seafood

kaumātua                                 an elder, a person of high status

Kei te pēhea tōu mahi?           How is your work?    

kete                                         basket

kīngitanga                               king movement

koura                                       crayfish

kuia                                         elderly woman

kumārahou                              a native shrub

kōrero                                      talk

korowai                                   ornamental cloak

Ko te tāngata                           It is people (from the last lines of a whakataukī: If you were to ask me, ‘What is the most

important thing in this world?’ my answer is, ‘It is people.’)

kūmara                                      sweet potato

kūpapa                                     collaborator

mana                                        authority, prestige

manuhiri                                  visitors

manuka                                    a tree native to New Zealand

marae                                       buildings and courtyard that make up the meeting place

matua                                      father, uncle, or respectful way of addressing a man

maunga                                    mountain(s)

mere                                        a short, flat, hand-held weapon

mihi                                         greeting

mokopuna                               grandchildren

muka                                       flax fibre

nau mai                                    welcome

nīkau                                       a native palm tree

pā                                            fortified village

pai                                           good

Pākehā                                     European(s)

patītī                                        short-handled axe

pepeha                                     saying of ancestors, tribal identity

pounamu                                 greenstone, jade

pōwhiri                                    ceremonial welcome

rangatira                                  chief

raupatu                                     confiscation

raupō                                       bulrush

Rohe Pōtae                              King Country (literally District of the Hat)

rūnanga                                   tribal council

rōpū                                         group of people

tā moko                                   facial tattoo

taiaha                                       fighting staff

tama                                        son, boy, nephew

tamariki                                   children

tangata whenua                       people of the marae

tangihanga (or tangi)               funeral

tātarakihi (also Kihikihi)         cicadas

tauiwi                                      foreigner

Te Ngutu o te Manu                the beak of the bird, The name of Titokowaru’s pā

te reo                                       the (Māori) language

tēnā koe                                   hello

tīpuna                                      ancestors

toa                                           warrior, champion

toetoe                                      native, pampas-like grass

tohu                                         a sign

tokotoko                                  walking stick

tuāhine                                    sister (of a male)

tūpara                                      double barrel shot gun

utu                                           revenge, retribution

wāhine                                     woman

waiata                                      n. song, v. sing

wairua                                     spirit

waka                                        canoe

whaea                                      mother, aunt

whakapapa                              genealogy

whakataukī                              proverb

whānau                                    extended family

whāngai                                   adopted child

Whanganui-a-Tara                   the Māori name for Wellington

whare                                      house(s)

whare kai                                 kitchen, dining room

whare karakia                          church, house of prayer

wharekura                               house of learning

wharenui                                 meeting house, large house                

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